November 20, 2020

3 Simple Homemade Dog Treats Your Pups Will Love

Hello, humans! This is George, I don’t know about your dogs, but when Mozart and I come inside after a long playtime, we love to get yummy treats. Sometimes those store-bought treats aren’t very good for us, though, are they? Some of the most popular brands have caused major problems, resulting in class-action lawsuits and broad recalls.

What can you give your best friends when you can’t trust the treats at the store? May I suggest, humbly, of course, some easy DIY treats that are delicious and healthy? Here are a few of our favorites that you can make without a lot of fuss, and they have some of our favorite things in them!

Peanut Butter Treats

 The first one is maybe the easiest, with just three ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour (my house is gluten gree so mom makes adjustments to the recipe.)
  • ½ cup of peanut butter
  • 2 eggs

 That’s all! Mix it together, roll it out, and cut it into fun doggie shapes—or just cut them in circles. We’ll think they’re delicious either way.

Pro tip: If the dough doesn’t get moist enough, add up to ¼ cup of water a little at a time. Then bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Here’s another pro tip, and a super important one. Make sure the peanut butter you use doesn’t have xylitol in it. That’s a sweetener that some human foods have, and it’s toxic for dogs.

Baby Food Treats

Here’s another really easy treat that you can change up again and again—perfect for those picky pups who like a bit of variety. You only need two ingredients!

  • 2 jars of baby food
  • 2 cups of organic, whole wheat flour

Here’s a big pro tip: Make sure the baby food you choose is good for dogs. Most will be just fine, but it’s worth a good look to be certain. After that, the possibilities are endless! We can have lots of fruits, veggies, and meats that babies can eat.

 Just mix the ingredients, roll out the dough, and cut into your favorite shapes. Then bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees. 

One more pro tip for the road: If you store them in an airtight container, they’ll get soft. Storing them in a paper bag makes them crunchy. You can decide how to store them according to what your dog likes, or you may choose according to what’s in the biscuits. Those meaty ones sure would be yummy if they were chewy!

Frozen Apple Yogurt Treats

 Summer’s on the way, so it’s not a bad idea to have some frozen treats ready for your pups. Especially if they’re big and furry like George and I are! This recipe only needs two ingredients, plus some water. 

  • Apples
  • Non-fat, plain yogurt

Cut up the apples into slices, making sure to remove the seeds and core.

Pro tip: Apple seeds are toxic for doggies! Drop the slices from two apples into a blender with a cup of yogurt and just a little bit of water and blend until it’s a nice liquid consistency. You can add water as needed to get it just right.

Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze. That’s it! That’s all you have to do to get a delicious frozen treat for your pups.

I promise your pups will love these treats, and you can rest easy knowing that you’re giving them food that is good for them.

Expect big things!


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